Thursday, 22 January 2015

Myeongdong - The Shopping District in Seoul

It’s Emily again! So sorry for the schedule, it has been very strange this week. Erika and I have been so busy with work, and trying to earn as much money as possible in time for October. Lets just pretend this is Wednesday though (…even though it’s actually Thursday, or maybe even Friday to some of you). This week I want to look at a place which I am SO excited to visit, and I can hardly contain myself from screaming - Myeongdong! This is actually the place we will be staying in, which makes things extra exciting as we can go shopping anytime we like. 
That is what Myeongdong is mostly known for by tourists (and locals) in Seoul. It is the most famous place to shop, and it has an amazing atmosphere! Since we are going in October it will be start to darker earlier, but from watching videos of people being their in the dark, I am excited to see how pretty it becomes. The shops stay open until late since most people in Korea don’t finish work until later, so combine that with the street food, music blearing - It just seems like a really fun place to be. Since I haven’t actually been there yet, I can’t really tell you if it’s worth going to or not, but I can tell you what I have researched, and what you can expect if you are planning on taking a trip there. 

There are lots of shops - I mean who could have guessed in a shopping district?! Whilst watching videos of peoples trips, it did surprise me of how many ‘mainstream’ shops there were. I guess I didn’t think I’d see a ‘forever 21’, ‘Zara’ or ‘H&M’ in Korea! Maybe I have just watched too many dramas though. So you get all of those shops, which will be perfect for tourists because of how cheap you will be able to get them (I am going to buy a whole new wardrobe), if you follow this street along you will then come to little shops, that sell high street fashion for very affordable prices. I’m also looking forward to shopping in these shops, since one of things I have always thought about Korean’s was how on point they are with the fashion - I just love clothes. You then get Etude house, which if you don’t know, is basically a makeup shop in Korea, which sells the cutest items ever. Because of shipping costs, I have so far not being able to buy anything, so I’m looking forward to spending all my money in this shop. 

Another shop I am very excited to visit is ‘Music Korea’ which is as you have guessed, is a place to buy music. I will be honest, not only am I excited to explore Seoul, but the K-Pop is the main reason to why I have been attracted to this place. I am a big fan of the music, so I will basically bring all my money, and I plan to spend it all in this music shop, and buy as many CD’s my suitcase will be able to carry. I just can’t wait, I already have a list of CDs and posters I want - and since we will be paying in won, the currency will work out so I will be paying less than an online store. I just can’t wait! You can even listen to music whilst you’re in there, and you can browse to your hearts content. 

So there you have it, if you are a music lover, or a shopping lover (both of which I am) then I would suggest you stop off at Myeongdong. It has great cafes and street food, and judging by the videos I have seen, you will be able to spot many of your idols on big billboards, and around the place. If you have been please let me know what it is like! 

Happy Reading 

Emily :D 

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