Saturday, 10 January 2015

2014: A Review
Part 2

2014 was a year for news and drama within the Kpop world, idols were revealed to be dating, others arrested and tragically in early September two members of Ladies Code, EunB and RiSe were killed in a car crash. 2014 won’t be forgotten anytime soon and neither will all the scandals that occurred.

So let’s take a look back at what 2014 had in store for us:

Dating Scandals
In my personal opinion, using the term scandal for two people, whether idols or not is a bit strong but I understand why it is used in such a way. Idols are people who are looked upon as role-models and people of all ages aspire to be like them. In this case it make sense, to a point, some fans wouldn’t want the perfect image of their idols to be marred by dating rumours and messy break-ups that would no doubt make the front page. Neither would the entertainment companies who would have to do damage control depending on the scandal and who the idol is dating. Either way, we’ve had some pretty big news dating wise this year.

Girl’s Generations Yoona and Lee Seung Gi.

I must admit, when I found out about this, I was very excited. I’ve seen them both on Strong Heart before and knew that Yoona was Seung Gi’s ideal type and it was just so adorable.

Girl’s Generations Tiffany and 2PM’s Nichkhun.

Wow, this I didn’t expect but after watching videos of them together it was easy to see that there was something between them and Nickhun’s sweet cryptic tweets about her.

Girl’s Generations Taeyeon and Exo’s Baekhyun

This totally caught me off guard, this was one dating scandal that I never thought I would see. Normally you get rumours hinting first but with this it was “BAM” pictures of them on a date and confirmation of the couple. I must admit though, they are utterly adorable together.

F(x)’s Sulli and Dynamic Duo’s Choiza.

Rumours of this pair were rife for months before there was confirmation from either side. There was a lot of disturbance with how this was handled with Sulli putting her activities on hold for the time being.

Super Junior’s Sungmin and Kim Sa Eun.

Now this is just adorable, the pair who met while working on a musical together recently got married as well! In all honesty, I didn’t expect Sungmin to be the first Super Junior member to marry, I would have thought it would have been Leeteuk or Heechul but all the more I am happy for the couple.

Other Scandals

Kim Hyun Joong’s Assault Case.

It was reported that Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend had filed a lawsuit against him for assault. This caught me off guard. I’ve been his fan and a fan of SS501 after I first watched Boys over Flowers and I just couldn’t quite process this. It was later revealed that he admitted the assault and apologized to his ex-girlfriend.

Bumkey’s Arrest for Suspected Drug Dealing.

In early December it was made public that Bumkey had been arrested for suspected drug dealing and would be under investigation. Currently, the investigation is still on-going.


Ladies’ Code’s Car Crash.

Early September on the way back from filming the five members of Ladies Code and their manager were driving back to their dorm when they got into a car crash. EunB died at the scene and four days later RiSe died without ever regaining consciousness, the other three members sustained various injuries as well. It hit the Kpop world hard as both girls were in their early twenties and Ladies Code was growing in popularity. Car crashes are, unfortunately, a common occurrence in Kpop and I hope that the loss of these young lives will make a change in safety and to make wearing seatbelts a legal requirement.

2014 was an eventful year and all we can do and wait and see what happens this year! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post discussing the best rookies of 2014!

Erika Signing Off!

Stay Tuned Folks! :D

Song of the Day: Boyfriend - Witch

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